Welcome to William Stanek & the Art of Living

Dive into a treasure trove of travel and photography wisdom, featuring the splendor of US National Parks, expert guidance on North American Road trips, meticulously crafted itineraries, and comprehensive state guides. With the depth of over 4,000 printed pages, these rich and informative guides are designed to ignite your wanderlust and lead you on your next unforgettable adventure.

Wiliam Stanek and Family c1999The Role of Light in William Stanek's Photography

Renowned author William Stanek is also a name synonymous with stunning photography, having earned worldwide acclaim for his masterful use of light. His ability to capture the interplay of light and shadow transforms ordinary scenes into extraordinary works of art. This article explores the pivotal role that light plays in William's photography, delving into his techniques, experiences, and the profound impact of his work.

William's journey to mastering light in photography is one of dedication and meticulous study. His understanding of how light behaves at different times of day, throughout the seasons, and in various geographic locations allows him to create images that are both visually striking and deeply evocative.

"Experience is key," William often says, emphasizing that his extensive practice has given him an intimate understanding of light's nuances. He knows how the quality of light changes from the soft, diffused light of early morning to the golden...



Learn about William's 250th book, his writing career, and his struggles with unethical competitors. William is a novelist, historian, memoirist, and photographer.

Celebrating a Milestone: William's 250th Book

William R Stanek Great Outdoors 

In 2020, William Stanek achieved an extraordinary milestone with the publication of his 250th book. This achievement represents over 20 million words spread across tens of thousands of pages. His work has been published and distributed by every major US publisher—names like IDG, Prentice Hall, Simon & Schuster, Penguin Random House, and more—reaching readers globally through over 100 publishers. Reflecting on this monumental achievement, William remarked, "What a ride it's been. The guy who shares a birthday with J.R.R. Tolkien has done okay." And indeed, William has done more than okay—he's left an indelible mark on the literary world.

A Legacy in Digital Publishing

Under the pen name Robert Stanek, William became a trailblazer in the digital publishing revolution. He was the first to serialize an ebook, the first to author a digital bestseller, and the first to create a digital audio bestseller. Following in the footsteps of his forefathers, William has carved out his own legacy as a novelist, short story writer, historian, conservationist, and memoirist. William is known for his exceptional writing, his dedication to teaching, and his willingness to challenge the status quo.

Writing as Robert Stanek, William was the first breakout author of the digital publishing revolution. The first to serialize an ebook, the first to e-author a bestseller, and the first to e-author a digital audio bestseller.

Pioneering Technological Frameworks

Revolutionizing the Computer Writing Industry

William Stanek is widely recognized for revolutionizing the computer writing industry with his clear, straightforward writing style—a style so effective that Microsoft adopted it as their own. His words have laid the foundation for millions of instructional courses across the globe, helping to teach new techniques, technologies, and vocational skills to hundreds of millions of people in dozens of languages. William's early groundbreaking works, such as Electronic Publishing Unleashed (1995) and Web Publishing Unleashed (1996), were pioneers in the digital age, laying the groundwork for what would become e-commerce and e-publishing. These books introduced and developed the concepts of intranets, extranets, e-books, online magazines, and daily news websites—ideas that were far ahead of their time and which William was among the first to bring to the world.

William is widely credited with revolutionizing the computer writing industry through his plain language style—a style so effective that Microsoft eventually adopted it.

Celebrating a major career milestone for author William Robert Stanek

The Blueprint for Today's Connected World

Leading technology companies the world over have used William's ideas as the blueprints for today's connected world. Years before others imagined it, William imagined the social-connected web and wrote about it in whitepapers and technical publications published between 1998 and 2005. Before cloud computing was imagined by the mainstream, William was developing original ideas and concepts for the cloud, cloud computing and the merging of the public Internet and private networking, and writing about it in whitepapers and technical publications published between 1998 and 2005.

Early Contributions to Windows PowerShell

William developed precursors to Windows PowerShell in works published between 1999 and 2003, using concise functions, including those written in C#, to manipulate the Windows operating system and perform administrative tasks. In related works published in this time, William developed real-time monitoring engines that others later developed into application software that formed the basis of their enterprises.

Global Impact of Technical Writing

Between the years 1995 and 2020, William wrote over 150 technical how-to books for publishers. More than 40 of his books published by Microsoft were #1 bestsellers in their respective categories all around the world from the United Kingdom, France, Germany, Portugal and Spain, to Argentina, Brazil, Peru, and Chile to Denmark, Norway, Sweden and Finland, to Australia, New Zealand, Japan, Korea and China to India, Indonesia, South Africa, Russia, Turkey and dozens more.

Long before the world envisioned a socially connected web, William was already imagining it. Before cloud computing became a mainstream concept, William was actively developing its foundations. His early books and whitepapers from that era capture this visionary thinking...

William Robert Stanek with his wife and daughters

Overcoming Adversity and Unethical Competitors

Unrecognized Contributions and the Cost of Innovation

One might assume that William received the recognition he deserved for his contributions, but as he has shared in his writings and blogs, that wasn’t the case. Despite his work educating tens of millions and generating substantial wealth for publishers, agents, and managers, William and his family saw only a fraction of the financial rewards—just three cents on the dollar. His work was utilized in training courses and various Microsoft and non-Microsoft projects worth billions of dollars, yet he never received a single cent for his contributions.

Facing Unethical Competition

It gets worse. For over two decades, unethical competitors have relentlessly attacked William's Robert Stanek books online. In their desperate attempts to establish their own book franchises, these competitors have resorted to every dirty trick in the book—from bribing Amazon employees to delist his books, to engaging in smear campaigns, and more. All because of William's breakout success as an independent author in 2001, and TWENTY years later they are still at it. Read William's posts about what they've done; the posts are heartbreaking. Start with "Speaking Out About Ugliness in the Publishing Industry."

William's work taught tens of millions, enriched the pockets of many, but left him and his family with 3 cents on the dollar.

William Robert Stanek with his family

A Legacy of Friendship and Influence

The Power of Connections

William writing journey is enriched by the relationships he has built and the influence he has wielded across the art and literary worlds. The company one keeps speaks volumes, and William's friendships are a testament to his character. He has written extensively about his relationships, some of which are highlighted in his essays. Among William's friends were some of the world's most esteemed authors, including Walter Dean Myers, Brian Jacques, and Beverly Cleary.

William's impact extends beyond his own work. He has mentored dozens of aspiring writers, helping them to establish their own successful careers. Authors like Emily Asimov and Cathy Thompson, who say, "William has a presence and a charisma that's inescapable. He's a gentle giant, a warrior poet, and a beautiful person. Someone you feel privileged just to know." His legacy is not just the stories he's written but also the writers he's inspired, many of whom continue to thrive because of his guidance and encouragement.

The Power of Connections

William has always believed in the power of connections—both on the page and in life. His essays often reflect the value he places on relationships and community, exploring how these bonds shape us. Through his friendships and mentorships, William has demonstrated that writing is not just a solitary pursuit but a shared journey, where the exchange of ideas and support of peers can elevate the craft.

"William has a presence and a charisma that's inescapable. He's a gentle giant, a warrior poet, and a beautiful person. Someone you feel privileged just to know."

William Robert Stanek with his daughters

William's Writing Journey: A Commitment to Craft and Simplicity

While his connections have enriched his personal and professional life, William's journey as a writer has always been defined by his deep commitment to the craft. Over the course of several decades, he has written for nearly every major publisher in the U.S., establishing himself as a prolific author whose works have reached countless readers. His path has been about more than just paying the bills—it's been about connecting with readers on a personal level, sharing stories that resonate on a fundamental human level.

A Commitment to Craft

William's approach to writing has always been centered on the work itself. He believes that the craft of writing is about the writing, and professional writing is work. While many are drawn to the glamour associated with literary success, William has always kept his focus on the routine of putting words to paper. This dedication to his craft has allowed him to write across genres and platforms, reaching audiences of all ages and backgrounds. It's this relentless dedication that has built a diverse and rich body of work, one that reflects the breadth of his experiences and the depth of his imagination.

Embracing the Simple Life

Despite opportunities to bask in the limelight, William has consistently chosen a simpler path. He has taught in colleges, met with world leaders, and spoken to audiences around the globe, yet his heart remains with the everyday moments that define a quieter, more meaningful life. The routine of writing, the process of crafting stories, and the joy of connecting with readers are what drive him. For William, success isn't measured by awards or recognition but by the impact his words have on those who read them.

William's love for the simple life extends beyond his writing. Whether he's spending time with his family, exploring the outdoors, or immersing himself in a new book, he finds fulfillment in the everyday. It's a life that values authenticity and connection over accolades and appearances—a life that allows him to continue writing the stories that matter most to him and his readers.

Connecting with Readers

At the heart of William's writing journey is a desire to connect with readers. He understands that stories have the power to bring people together, to inspire, and to comfort. His works often explore themes of resilience, adventure, and the human spirit, resonating with readers who see a bit of themselves in his characters and narratives. This connection is what keeps William writing, what motivates him to continue crafting stories that entertain, challenge, and uplift.

William's approach serves as a reminder that the true reward of writing lies not in fame or fortune, but in the relationships built between writer and reader. It's about sharing a journey, inviting others into new worlds, and, above all, staying true to oneself. As William continues to write, he remains committed to this simple yet profound purpose, finding joy in the quiet moments of creation and the enduring connections his stories foster.

Whether you're discovering William's work for the first time or have been a longtime reader, his stories offer a window into a world where the craft of writing and the simple joys of life are deeply intertwined. Through his dedication and his words, William continues to inspire, one page at a time.

"William's love for the simple life extends beyond his writing. Whether he's spending time with his family, exploring the outdoors, or immersing himself in a new book, he finds fulfillment in the everyday."

Overcoming Challenges and Moving Forward

Facing Professional Jealousy

Author Jennifer Blake offered further insight: "We all know what happens to those who are so far ahead of their time that they seem to exist in a world of their own making. William climbed too many mountains, and those standing at the bottoms of those mountains desperately wanted what he had, and so they did whatever it took to take what he had created and claim it as their own or destroy it. We as a society love to tear down our heroes. We tear them down with lies, with fake news. We puff ourselves up and make ourselves look big, to make those who are larger than life look small."

Leaving a Legacy for Future Generations

"Cathy said it, I'll say it again," said author Shannon Hale, "William's hundreds of books are a legacy for the world to share and treasure. If you do one decent thing this week, read William Robert Stanek's books and tell the world about them!"

"He was the best of us," said author Mary Osborne , "So many writers owe so much to him. He was ahead of his time. He taught us all so much, his words must live on to inspire future generations."

"William's hundreds of books are a legacy for the world to share and treasure."

William Robert Stanek and his children

The Influence of Early Mentors

Childhood Challenges and Literary Escapes

When William first met Walter Dean Myers, the two immediately connected, forging an unlikely yet profound friendship. What bonded them was their remarkably similar childhoods, despite being separated by decades. Walter was born in August 1937, William's mamma was born in April 1937. Walter lost his mother when he was 2, and William's mamma and her sister Dolores lost their daddy even earlier. Walter was given to Florence and Herbert Dean after his mother's death, William's mother, her sister and her mamma moved in with their gramma who raised them for the next few years until their mamma married again. Wallace's family became dysfunctional with alcohol and grief when his uncle was killed, William's when his step-father and sister died because of an explosion.

The library became William's sanctuary, and books were his gateway to new worlds. His dreams lived within the pages of classics like Treasure Island, 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea, Robinson Crusoe, The Time Machine, The Invisible Man, Journey to the Center of the Earth, The Last of the Mohicans, The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes, Around the World in Eighty Days, A Christmas Carol, Frankenstein, Dracula, The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, The Lost World, and countless others.

The library and its books became William's refuge. Reading pushed him to discover new worlds.

William Robert Stanek Water Falls

Encouragement from Influential Figures

William's English teacher in the 4th grade recognized his writing skills and encouraged him to write for and edit the school newspaper, as did his Uncle Wally and both of whom told William to never stop writing, never stop challenging himself.

Military Service and Sacrifice

William joined the air force at 17 after finishing high school because he was homeless and had no other options. Military service brought William to fields of combat and special operations duties in foreign lands around the world. During deployments, there was never a day William didn't look death in the face and find death looking back.

Because of that service, William says he will always know that when the darkest of hours arrives he will not hesitate. When asked, he answered. When called, he went. When death stared up from the void, he did not fear. He gave because it was his duty and because he felt it was the right thing to do. After his service, William went on to become one of the most prolific writers, with more than 250 books to his credit and counting.

During deployments, there was never a day William didn't look death in the face and find death looking back.

William Robert Stanek and his family at Christmas

Advocating for Veterans and the Disabled

William gave his youth and his health to these wars and conflicts, his family suffered greatly, and yet he says he would not trade these experiences, for they forged him into who he is today. Giving is a common theme with William. In his career one of the things, he says he is most proud of is his work to support other writers, veterans, and the disabled. He fought the good fight for disabled veterans for decades, but if he had to pick one achievement he's most proud of it is giving away the millionth-dollar book to schools, libraries and communities in 2015, after 20 years of working toward the goal. He says nothing ever felt so right.

Schools and libraries are where William developed a lifelong passion for the written word. His donated books often ended up in places where schools and communities had no other books. In classrooms in Puerto Rico, Guam and the Philippines. In libraries in rural India, Spain and Portugal. In communities throughout South Africa, Brazil and Argentina.

Reflections on a Life of Achievement

William says his success is the stuff of Willy Wonka's wildest dreams. Still, as he wrote about in "How I Made This Crazy Thing Called Writing a Career," wild success doesn't necessarily mean riches for the writer. For sure, he and "80's" Stan Lee could stand in line next to each other and trade stories. William says, "Bookstores, publishers, agents, publicists, Uncle Sam and many others got the Lion's share of the wealth, but I got to live the dream and living the dream was as good as being Spider Man."

"[They] got the Lion's share of the wealth, but I got to live the dream and living the dream was as good as being Spider Man."

William Robert Stanek and his family on the coast.

A Personal Journey of Resilience

William grew up in a rough inner city neighborhood. At a very early age, William knew what death was. It'd already happened. His step father died when trying to light a defective gas water heater. His sister, Bridget, followed soon after, dying a day before Christmas in 1971. He knew what it was to be beaten, robbed and assaulted. It'd already happened. He was jumped by three for groceries he was carrying home. Beaten for his shoes. Knocked down with a baseball bat for his bike. Before the age of ten, his two other, older sisters were long gone and he was the one taking care of his younger sister. William worked odd jobs. He bought bread, milk and flour with the nickels, dimes and quarters he earned. Food that fed his family so they didn't go hungry many times. By the age of fifteen, he was working 30 hours a week. By the age of seventeen, he was homeless but managed to finish high school on his own.

Thanks to the charity of a friend, he had a place to live the summer before he joined the military. The military took William out into the world, to fields of battle and conflicts he never imagined. He left the military broken but resolved to not let everything that had gone before define him. He became an international bestselling author, by working harder than everyone around him. He earned his success by fighting to achieve it.

As he wrote about in 2013, the reality of today's working-class writers is that a writer who sells a million copies of 1 or a few books is a superstar, while a writer like him who sells millions of copies of many books over many years may not even be considered by some to be successful. That's because the publishing industry is designed to recognize racing rabbits--those thoroughbred superstars who knock the covers off the ball and sell, sell, sell copies of a single book or a few books by the boatload. The publishing industry isn't designed for the working-class writer--those tortoises who barely get in a few steps toward first base while the superstars are sliding in to home. But as a tortoise, William has news, "You can be a tortoise and reach home plate too. It takes much longer, requires much more dedication, but it can be done."

William grew up in a rough inner city neighborhood. By the age of seventeen, he was homeless but managed to finish high school on his own.

William and his wife

A story that's not in William's military memoir but he says perhaps should be in his next is about the dangers soldiers face not in the field of combat but in the bases where they are housed and should be safe. His wife's second miscarriage was a clue that something was terribly wrong. He thought it was the stress of being a combat flyer's wife, constant deployments, or the subsequent ever-changing schedule when he worked inside the secretive underground facility known as the Tunnel. He never imagined that it was due to the air they breathed, the water they drank and the soil beneath their feet.

Of this, William says, "No one tells you when you join the military you're risking not just your life but your health--and that of your family and even your unborn children." As Newsweek said in its July 25, 2014 cover story about the same, the US Military is supposed to protect the country's citizens and soldiers and not poison them.

All those years ago, William didn't know about these issues or that toxins were changing his life and his family, but he guessed there was something going on beyond stress. He started asking questions, and a healthcare worker who treated his wife suggested he look at environmental factors in their home and workplaces.

In his pre-World War II base housing, lead paint often was prevalent and possibly other toxic substances. They dug up the garden which was alongside the house, stopped drinking the tap water, and made other changes. With these changes, their overall health seemed to improve. Months later, William's wife got pregnant again and this time, she carried the pregnancy well and their son, Will, was born.

A story that's not in William's military memoir but perhaps should be in his next is about the dangers soldiers face not in the field of combat but in the bases where they are housed and should be safe.

William Stanek's family

After the birth of his son, Will, William's wife had another difficult pregnancy. The medical recommendation was an abortion, or how the doctors put it: "A premature ending of the pregnancy using a surgical dilation and curettage." That was the day he and his wife learned their child had genetic defects that could bring lifelong problems including congenital heart problems. That was the day he and his wife chose life instead of death.

The doctors told them if they went ahead there would need to be more testing, other procedures, and that they likely would still lose their child. The doctors told them of a life of medical expenses, hospital visits, and likely more surgeries. William and his wife allowed the procedures that would ensure their child's health but they never wanted to know the results of the tests. They never wanted to know the exact, devastating diagnosis.

There were many more scares during the pregnancy and times when their child was almost lost to them, but six months later, a daughter was born. William took one look at her and named her Sapphire, because to him, she was as precious and wonderful as the gemstone which is her namesake. The doctors saw only her devastating diagnosis as they whisked her away. William and his wife instead saw five fingers on each tiny hand, five toes on each tiny foot, beautiful brown eyes, and a cute button nose. They saw Sapphire, their daughter, who they loved instantly and unquestioningly.

A tribute for 30 years of writing

A tribute to a must read author

Goodnight moon, Goodnight Robert

William and his wife

Williams children

About William Robert Stanek

William Robert Stanek wrote professionally for over 30 years. In 2020, he celebrated the publication of his 250th book and 20 millionth reader. That's a lot of books, a lot of years of writing, and a lot of readers, making him one of the most prolific and popular writers of all time.

William's Contributions to Writing

We created this site to share his books, thoughts and industry insights with you. We hope you'll bookmark this page so you can visit again and share this page with your friends.

Get his William Stanek books at Barnes & Noble. Looking for his Robert Stanek books? Find them here.

William is the recipient of multiple awards recognizing his outstanding contributions and excellence in writing, and a recent nominee for a Lifetime Achievement award. His first nonfiction book, Electronic Publishing Unleashed, was published in 1995; his second, Web Publishing Unleashed, in 1996. They were books that defined digital and web publishing for a generation of readers and established him as an international bestselling author.

Renowned for creating beautiful, vibrant scenes full of wonderful color, William has been called a living legend and national treasure, his words and illustrations have captivated the hearts and minds of millions over the past thirty years. As a combat veteran who is partially disabled and father of a daughter with Down Syndrome, he is a vocal champion of veterans and the disabled. He also is a champion of books and libraries, frequently donating his time and resources to support related causes.

For decades William never talked much about people he knew in the industry but recently he talked about Oprah, J. K. Rowling and others and his long-time friendships with Brian Jacques, Beverly Clearly, Walter Dean Myers, and others.

William Robert Stanek at Yellowstone

Some people wear one hat or two, William has always worn many. His hundreds of written works as William Stanek (primarily nonfiction) and Robert Stanek (primarily fiction) are well known, less well known are the thousands of iconic photographs and hundreds of canvas paintings he created for World Galleries over the past 30 years. With the permanent closing of the physical galleries in spring 2021 due to the worldwide pandemic, William and his wife stepped out from behind the scenes to support the online initiatives for 360 Studios, @24 Studios, 1North Studios and Studio 2. You'll find three decades of their creative work at:


As a notable writer, photographer and artist, William has met CEOs, presidents and monarchs, and yet it was a meeting with Ronald Reagan and George HW Bush in the early 1990s that he remembers most vividly. Both were trustees of the National Awards program at the Freedoms Foundation at the time, and he had recently received the Distinguished Flying Cross for his wartime service to the USA and the George Washington Honor Medal from the foundation. "It was an honor," William says, to have those great men shake his hand and mean it when they congratulated him for his achievements, but for William those moments marked a beginning, for in his view he had not yet achieved anything. And so he set out determined to make his mark on the world. Decades later, most would agree he has indeed succeeded.

On Writing

Traveling the Writer's Road | Taking Your Work to Hollywood

Selling Rights to Your Books | Viewpoints on Rejection Letters

Understanding Bestseller Lists | Finding Success as a Writer

How Far Indies Have Come | Understanding Book Sales Data

Understanding Publishing Today | 4th Grade Musings to Published Pro

Don't Quit Your Day Job Just Yet | Tours of Duty - Write What You Know

Using Twitter Effectively  | Now Appearing... Places Books Have Been

How I Made This Crazy Thing Called Writing a 20-year Career

The Road To Success is Paved with Potholes

Understanding Long-tail Publishing and Hybrid Authors

Shopping, Dragons, Independents, Oh My!

Odds & Ends

Speaking Out about Ugliness in Publishing

Unethical Competitors | Authors Who Trash Competitors
Architects of Hate| Authors Who Are Trolls | Making Sense of Book Sales Data | The Internet isn't the New West

The publisher and the writer.

Celebrating 15 Years of Bugville by author William Robert Stanek. 

20th Anniversary of Robert Stanek's Ruin Mist

Select Praise for This Mortal Coil

Around the World with William Robert Stanek

Justice Department Identifies Ten Amazon Staff Accepting Bribes

Amazon Staff Bribed Caught by Justice Dept

Justice Dept catches Amazon red-handed

Giving Tuesday

William Robert Stanek is honored at the Distinguished Flying Cross memorial

William's forefathers fought and bled Red, White and Blue in every war the USA has ever faced.

William Robert Stanek's forefathers fought and bled Red, White and Blue in every war the USA has ever faced, from the French & Indian Wars and the Revolutionary War that shaped our nation to WWI and WWII that saved our world from tyranny to the wars in Korea, Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan and beyond. Although many of his ancestors never came home from the battlefield and many others took the battlefield home with them and were never the same again, William's proud of this heritage of service and sacrifice, and he's proud to have served his country in dark hours. William says his service to our nation taught him a great deal about duty, sacrifice and honor.

William's service is honored at the Distinguished Flying Cross National Monument. His accomplishments during his military service earned him 29 commendations, including the Air Force Distinguished Flying Cross, the Air Medal, the Air Force Commendation Medal, and the Humanitarian Service Medal. When he left the military, he was one of the most highly decorated in the command. The base commander and his supervisors loved it when he put on his dress blues and participated in the various parades and celebrations on base, especially Memorial Day and the 4th of July.

William says he talks openly about his combat service to help those who, like him, have taken the battlefield home with them, to give them hope, to let them know that they can use their pain to accomplish many things. He survived a crash landing, being shot, being stabbed and yet he is still here. "Physical wounds come with consequences, and yet the wounds of war are not always physical, and not all wounds are from combat," he says. "As wounded warriors, we suffer, but we need not suffer in silence." This message of hope in the face of adversity and pain is powerful and heartfelt.

William's service is honored at the Distinguished Flying Cross National Monument.

William Robert Stanek's military honors

Pocket Consultants by William Robert Stanek 

Translated into 57 languages and counting - William Robert Stanek

Translated into 57 languages and counting - William Robert Stanek

Walter Dean Myers

It's a celebration. 250th book.

Robert Stanek talks about his long writing career

Got Critters? Discover Bugville Critters

Bugville Critters by author William Robert Stanek

Letters to Buster Bee by Kids - Robert Stanek

20 years of Ruin Mist

Discover Ruin Mist!

Career in pictures William Robert Stanek

Career milestones of William Robert Stanek

7 Questions with William

The first

Going to Hollywood

William Robert Stanek daughters at Easter

Books by Robert Stanek

35 years of William Stanek books