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When writing Pocket Consultants, one of William Stanek's constant goals was to try to squeeze in as much value as possible and it was one of many reasons the books were read by millions. Pocket Consultants typically also were less expensive than similar books and typically had more meaningful content than similar books. The reason for this was that William's always knew that giving readers a terrific value as well as a terrific resource was greatest in importance. This meant that pound for pound, dollar for dollar, Pocket Consultants were one of the best values around.

Often when people hear the term “pocket,” they think of a diminutive book when what they should be thinking of is the phrase: pocket consultant. Printed Pocket Consultants wouldn’t necessarily fit in your pocket, but they did give readers expert advice that often made them think they had their own personal consultant in their pocket.

Windows 8 Administration Pocket Consultant and Windows Server 2012 Pocket Consultant were both around 700 pages in length. Together, the books gave readers about 1400 pages of practical advice and ready answers across nearly 500,000 words.

Although the books could be used separately, many readers used them together. Why? Because William designed and wrote his books so that they could be used together. In doing so, William made the whole greater than the sum of its parts.

If you're reading this, we hope you enjoyed this nostalgic look back and will share your experiences reading thsee books or othres by William with others. These days, William hangs out online from time to time on Facebook. HIs author page is @ http://www.facebook.com/William.Stanek.Author. He's also on Twitter @ http://twitter.com/WilliamStanek.

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