Living Well and the Art of Living

William and Hui Cha Stanek


Mindful Living

In our fast-paced world, mindfulness offers a path to connection and inner peace. The "Mindful Living" series by William and Hui Cha Stanek encourages you to slow down, be present, and transform your everyday life. Whether you’re new to mindfulness or deepening your practice, these articles provide practical guidance for living with purpose, presence, and clarity. Embrace each moment with awareness, and connect more deeply with yourself and the world around you.


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(October 16, 2024) Mindful Parenting: Raising Children with Stanek Resilience and Compassion


Parenting is one of life’s most rewarding experiences, but it’s also one of the most challenging—especially when you’re balancing demanding careers and personal hardships. For Hui Cha and me, raising our children was a journey that required every ounce of resilience, compassion, and mindfulness we could muster. Our lives were anything but ordinary—military deployments, health challenges, and the stresses of modern life were constant companions. But through it all, we remained committed to our children’s well-being, using mindfulness as a guiding light to help us navigate the ups and downs of parenting.

Mindful parenting isn’t about being perfect or always having the right answers. It’s about being present, compassionate, and resilient in the face of life’s inevitable challenges. It’s about leading by example, showing your children how to face adversity with strength and kindness, and nurturing them with the same care and attention that you give to your own personal growth. In this article, we’ll explore the techniques and philosophies that helped us raise our children with mindfulness, resilience, and compassion, even in the most difficult times.

The Stanek Approach to Mindful Parenting: Balancing Life’s Demands

Our journey into mindful parenting began out of necessity. The demands of military life often took me away from home for long periods, leaving Hui Cha to manage the household and care for our children on her own. These were not easy times, but they were formative. We quickly realized that in order to raise resilient, compassionate children, we needed to be fully present in the moments we had together, and to lead by example, even when life was challenging.

Presence in the Midst of Chaos

One of the cornerstones of our approach to mindful parenting was the practice of presence. With so much going on around us, it was easy to become distracted, overwhelmed, or emotionally distant. But we knew that in order to truly connect with our children, we needed to be fully present with them—both physically and emotionally. This meant putting down our phones, stepping away from work, and giving our full attention to the moments we shared as a family.

Whether it was reading bedtime stories, helping with homework, or simply sitting down together for a meal, we made it a priority to be present in those moments. This wasn’t always easy, especially when the stress of life was weighing heavily on us, but we found that even a few minutes of undivided attention made a world of difference in our children’s lives.

Balancing Discipline with Compassion

As parents, we also faced the challenge of balancing discipline with compassion. Military life had instilled in us a strong sense of discipline, but we knew that this needed to be tempered with empathy and understanding. Children, after all, are not soldiers—they are individuals with their own thoughts, feelings, and struggles.

We approached discipline with the same mindfulness that we brought to other areas of our lives. When one of our children misbehaved, we didn’t just react out of frustration or anger. Instead, we took a step back, tried to understand the underlying emotions or needs that were driving the behavior, and responded with both firmness and compassion. This approach helped us build trust and respect within our family, and taught our children the importance of empathy and self-awareness.

Practical Tips for Integrating Mindfulness into Parenting

Mindful parenting is about more than just being present or compassionate—it’s about integrating mindfulness into the daily rhythms of family life. Here are some of the practical techniques that we used to bring mindfulness into our parenting:

  1. Mindful Listening: Giving Your Children the Gift of Attention

    One of the most important aspects of mindful parenting is the ability to truly listen to your children. This means setting aside distractions and giving them your full attention when they’re speaking. We made a conscious effort to listen mindfully to our children, whether they were sharing their joys, their fears, or their frustrations. By doing so, we not only deepened our connection with them, but also helped them feel heard and valued.

    How to Practice Mindful Listening:

    • When your child wants to talk, put down any distractions and make eye contact.
    • Listen without interrupting or immediately offering solutions. Allow your child to express themselves fully.
    • Reflect back what you’ve heard to show that you’re listening and to help clarify their thoughts and feelings.
    • Respond with empathy and understanding, even if you don’t agree with everything they say.
  2. Mindful Breathing: A Tool for Managing Stress Together

    Parenting can be stressful, and it’s easy to let that stress spill over into your interactions with your children. We found that practicing mindful breathing—both on our own and with our children—was a powerful way to manage stress and stay calm in challenging situations. This simple technique helped us respond to parenting challenges with greater patience and clarity.

    How to Practice Mindful Breathing with Your Children:

    • Teach your children the basics of mindful breathing: sitting quietly, closing their eyes, and focusing on their breath.
    • Practice mindful breathing together before bedtime, during stressful moments, or anytime you want to create a sense of calm.
    • Use mindful breathing as a way to pause and reset when emotions are running high, both for yourself and your children.
  3. Mindful Routines: Bringing Presence to Daily Activities

    Daily routines, such as getting ready for school, mealtime, or bedtime, offer opportunities to practice mindfulness as a family. We found that by approaching these routines with intention and presence, we could turn ordinary moments into meaningful connections. This not only helped our children feel more secure, but also brought a sense of peace and rhythm to our days.

    How to Create Mindful Routines:

    • Choose one daily routine to focus on, such as breakfast or bedtime, and make it a time for mindfulness.
    • During this routine, slow down and focus on the present moment. Engage your senses and encourage your children to do the same.
    • Create rituals that promote connection and calm, such as sharing something you’re grateful for at dinner or reading a calming story before bed.
  4. Mindful Conflict Resolution: Navigating Disagreements with Compassion

    Disagreements and conflicts are inevitable in any family, but they don’t have to be destructive. We approached conflict resolution with mindfulness, using it as an opportunity to teach our children about empathy, communication, and problem-solving. By staying calm, listening to each other, and working together to find solutions, we were able to resolve conflicts in a way that strengthened our relationships.

    How to Practice Mindful Conflict Resolution:

    • When a conflict arises, take a deep breath and approach the situation with calm and curiosity.
    • Encourage each family member to express their feelings and perspectives without blame or judgment.
    • Work together to find a solution that respects everyone’s needs and feelings.
    • After the conflict is resolved, take a moment to reflect on what you learned and how you can apply it in the future.

Personal Story: Navigating Parenthood in Difficult Times

There was a time when life’s challenges threatened to overwhelm us. My military deployments, the health issues we faced, and the stresses of raising a family often left us feeling stretched thin. During one particularly difficult period, when I was deployed overseas and Hui Cha was managing everything at home, we found ourselves struggling to stay connected as a family.

Our children, feeling the strain of my absence and the pressures at home, began acting out in ways that tested our patience and resilience. It was a challenging time, and there were moments when we felt like we were failing as parents. But rather than letting the stress drive us apart, we chose to lean into mindfulness.

Hui Cha, in particular, became the anchor for our family during those tough times. She made sure to create moments of presence and connection each day, even when it felt like there wasn’t enough time or energy to do so. She would sit with the kids at the end of each day, listen to their worries and fears, and share her own. These moments of vulnerability and connection helped us all stay grounded and reminded us that we were in this together, no matter how difficult things became.

One evening, after a particularly rough day, Hui Cha gathered the children and led them in a simple mindful breathing exercise. They sat together, closed their eyes, and focused on their breath. The room, which had been filled with tension and frustration just moments before, began to feel calmer, more peaceful. By the time they finished, the kids were more relaxed, more open, and ready to talk about what had been bothering them.

This practice of mindfulness became a lifeline for our family. It helped us navigate the challenges of parenting during difficult times, stay connected to each other, and find the strength to keep going, even when things were tough. It taught us that no matter what was happening in the world around us, we could always find peace and connection within our family.

Managing Parental Stress: Leading by Example in Resilience and Compassion

Parenting is stressful—there’s no getting around that. But how you manage that stress can have a profound impact on your children. Throughout our journey as parents, we made it a priority to manage our own stress in healthy, mindful ways, knowing that our children were watching and learning from our example.

Leading by Example

One of the most important lessons we wanted to impart to our children was the value of resilience and compassion—not just towards others, but towards ourselves. We wanted them to see that it’s okay to struggle, to feel overwhelmed, and to ask for help. We also wanted them to understand that resilience doesn’t mean never falling down—it means getting back up, time and time again, with kindness and compassion for yourself and others.

Techniques for Managing Parental Stress:

Conclusion: The Strength of Mindful Parenting

Mindful parenting isn’t about having all the answers or never making mistakes. It’s about being present, compassionate, and resilient as you navigate the joys and challenges of raising children. It’s about leading by example, showing your children how to face life’s difficulties with strength and kindness, and creating a family environment where everyone feels valued, heard, and loved.

For Hui Cha and me, mindful parenting was a journey that shaped not only our children’s lives but our own as well. It helped us stay connected during the toughest times, manage stress in healthy ways, and raise children who are resilient, compassionate, and mindful in their own right. It wasn’t always easy, but it was always worth it.

As you embark on your own journey of mindful parenting, remember that it’s not about being perfect—it’s about being present. It’s about showing up, day after day, with love, patience, and understanding, and trusting that those small, mindful moments will add up to something truly beautiful.


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